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Star Wars - The Dark Side

During the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, I signed up for "The Conqueror Challenges - The Star Wars. The Dark Side challenge takes you on a 75 mile (121 km) Journey. The journey started on the xxx 2024, and I finished it on the xxxx 2024. I completed the distance by walking my dog and cycling on my static bike.

July -
xx Miles completed
July -
xx Miles completed
July -
xx Miles completed
July -
xx Miles completed
July -
xx Miles completed
July -
xx Miles completed
July -
xx Miles completed
July -
xx Miles completed
July -
xx Miles completed
July -
xx Miles completed
Journey Completed The Medal

Page Reference

If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:

  • MACKENZIE, B. (2024) Star Wars - The Dark Side [WWW] Available from: fitness/star wars the dark side index.htm [Accessed